"Big Town" was a popular and critically acclaimed radio series created by Jerry McGill. The show ran for 15 years, mostly on CBS. "Freedom of the press is a flaming sword. Use it justly, hold it high, guard it well." This was the motto of Steve Wilson, the fiercely idealistic and hard-nosed editor of The Illustrated Press. He ran a tight ship and aiding him in his never-ending quest for justice was society editor Lorelei Kilbourne and District Attorney Miller. The show debuted on Oct 19, 1937 from Hollywood with Edward G. Robinson as Steve Wilson and Claire Trevor as Lorelei. The show's theme song was "Tell the Story" and was sponsored by Rinso. The last show produced in Hollywood was on May 14, 1942. In 1943 it moved to New York City, still on CBS, but with a new cast. The show ran on CBS until 1948, then moved to NBC until 1951, then back to CBS through June of 1952. The radio show was always in the top 12 during its run with an audience of 10-20 million listeners.
"I Cover Big Town" Paramount, 1947. Philip Reed (Steve Wilson), Hillary Brooke (Lorelei Kilbourne), Robert Lowery, Robert Shayne, Mona Barrie, Vince Barnett, Louis Jean Heydt. Director: William C. Thomas. Illustrated Press society editor Lorelei is assigned to a police case. Crusading editor Wilson suspects that a hard-luck suspect has been framed for a murder rap. Lorelei and Steve help the police solve the crime and uncover a conspiracy to bring a building firm to bankruptcy.
"Big Town" Paramount, 1947. Reed, Brooke, Lowery, Veda Ann Borg, Byron Barr, Charles Arnt, Nana Bryant, Roy Gordon, Nella Walker. Director: Thomas. Newspaper editor Steve Wilson goes on an anti-crime crusade, but gets carried away.
"Big Town After Dark" Paramount, 1947. Reed, Brooke, Richard Travis, Ann Gillis, Vince Barnett, Joe Sawyer, Robert Kent, Charles Arnt, William Haade, Arthur Space. Director: Thomas. Steve Wilson battles big city gambling interests.
"Big Town Scandal" Paramount, 1948. Reed, Brooke, Stanley Clements, Darryl Hickman, Carl Alfalfa Switzer, Vince Barnett, Charles Arnt, Donna Martell. After juvenile boys get caught robbing a sporting goods store, Lorelei and Steve vouch for the boys and ask for leniency. The Illustrated Press tackles delinquency and gangsters involved with the youths.
The movie "Big Town" was adapted for Movie Comics #1, Dec. 1946, published by Fiction House with art by Bob Lubbers.
DC Comics launched a successful "Big Town" title from Jan. 1951 to Apr. 1958, for a total of 50 issues. Artists on the series included Dan Barry, Carmine Infantino, Gil Kane, and Alex Toth.
When "Big Town" came to television it was broadcast live from NYC, but in 1952 the show moved to Hollywood and film. The series ran on CBS Oct. 5, 1950 until July 31, 1956. Patrick McVey was Steve Wilson until Mark Stevens took over the role in 1954. Throughout the series run there were five actresses who played Lorelei - Jane Nigh, Mary K. Wells, Trudy Wroe, Julie Stevens, and Beverly Tyler. The show was sponsored by Lever Brothers, makers of Lifebouy Soap. Syndicated episodes ran as "City Assignment" on the DuMont Network 1952-1954 while first-run episodes were still running on CBS. The shows rating was #21 the first season, #15 the second season, but subsequent years it was out of the top 30.
As a tie-in to the TV series, the Lowell toy company manufactured a "Big Town" news reporting and printing game. Mark Stevens appeared on the cover of the game, and players tested their skills as a newspaper reporter "in this fascinating headline hunting game."
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